
About Us

Since the establishment of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan in 2007, the Department of Development, Infrastructure and Services (JPIP), has played the role as the backbone in  planning and physical development of the University. 

The organizational chart restructuring and the rebranding of  Department of Development, Infrastructure and Services to Centre of Infrastructure Development and Services (PPIP) was approved through the University's Management Committee Meeting No. 6/2013. 

In March 2016, PPIP was restructured to strengthen the function of university infrastructure and asset management as well as the management of project development. The restructuring then lead to separation of PPIP into two different offices, namely the Office of Infrastructure and Asset Management (PPIA) and the Office of Development and Project Management (PPPP). 

In June 2018, PPIP and PPPP was merged and rebranded as the Office of University's Development (PPU). In April 2019, PPU was rebranded as the Centre for Infrastructure Development and Management (3PI).

About Us


To be an authoritative technical department in the management of the development, maintenance, and services of the University's infrastructure and assets.


To provide basic infrastructure and service needs in line with the University's Vision and Mission.


  1. To manage efficient and effective infrastructure development projects;

  2. To ensure infrastructure maintenance is carried out systematically; and

  3. To provide university infrastructure facility services that meet customer needs.